@article{oai:edo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000895, author = {Tomoo, AOYAMA and Toru, YAGI and 八木, 徹}, journal = {Informatio : 江戸川大学の情報教育と環境, Informatio}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), To extract environmental information from published satellite pictures, computer approaches are discussed. Satellite images are given as time-series multi-spectrum bands, and include many phenomena. To analyze a target event, others must be eliminated. The approaches are projection, compositing, intensity-ordering hold non-linear transformations, etc., which are defined by mathematical expressions. We apply them to see hue changes on the sea surfaces, and to detect reactions in the air between dust and moisture. Processing images get significant in relations with environmental knowledges and experiences.}, title = {Environmental information extracted from satellite images:Aspects of Sea and Atmosphere}, volume = {16}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヤギ, トオル} }