@article{oai:edo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000082, author = {城一, 道子 and JOICHI, Michiko}, month = {2013-12-19}, note = {Based on data derived from questionnaires on language anxiety and on speech experiences, this paper investigates how speech presentation can be an effective way of motivating university students with low English proficiency to develop self-efficacy in speaking. There is evidence that anxiety influences learners’ willingness to communicate in a foreign language. It is, therefore, particularly important that learners have successful, low stress learning experiences. This study shows that the mastery goal in the classroom is influential in developing the students’ efficacy expectancy as well as their outcome expectancy in speaking. Paying attention to maintaining their interest, avoiding overloading them with too much unfamiliar language and content, and creating a friendly, safe, cooperative classroom environment contribute to supporting the mastery goal. This paper also explores the possibility of reading aloud exercises in English language learning for university students. Reading aloud is recommended not only for establishing the sound-symbol relationship but for improving fluency as well as pronunciation. It is, therefore, worth considering reading aloud practice as pre-admission self-study assignment.}, title = {授業(スピーチ・プレゼンテーション)の検証と入学前教育}, year = {}, yomi = {ジョウイチ, ミチコ} }